
About Journal

Journal of Skin Cancer Case Reports is a scientific publication dedicated to the field of skin cancer. It focuses on publishing case reports related to various aspects of skin cancer, including diagnosis, treatment, and management. The journal aims to provide valuable insights into rare and unusual cases, as well as innovative approaches to skin cancer care. By publishing case reports, the journal contributes to the knowledge and understanding of skin cancer among healthcare professionals and researchers. Skin cancer has been the leading type of cancer worldwide and is generally classified as nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and melanoma. This activity provides a broad overview of skin cancer, and reviews epidemiology, risk factors, pathogenesis and treatment.

Open Access

Journal of Skin Cancer Case Reports is a peer reviewed online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality articles featuring clinical images, case reports and case series in skin cancer case reports journal etc.

Benefits of Open Access Journal

Free online papers are likely to reach more readers and therefore attract more citations. Open access, or unrestricted availability has a bold yet altruistic charm when applied to academic research and scholarly output. Open access journals create an environment for near-ideal dissemination of knowledge. Open Access Initiative is committed to making genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community without restricting the access of published content. Journal of Skin Cancer Case Reports obtained enormous global visibility and tremendous response from the authors and readers from all over the world inspired the publisher to maintain reputed Open Access Journals in various scientific disciplines. Open Science has huge benefits, the more people you reach the better. Science should be as transparent and accessible as possible because it should be reproducible and confirmed by others, that is what gives science its power. By providing immediate and unrestricted access to the latest research, we can accelerate discovery and create a more equitable system of knowledge that is open to all.