
Instructions For Reviewers

Journal of Breast Cancer Case Reports provides a platform for researchers and clinicians to share their findings and experiences in the field of breast cancer. It publishes original case reports that highlight unique and interesting cases of breast cancer, including diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.

If you are a reviewer for the Journal of Breast Cancer Case Reports, here are some instructions to guide you through the review process:

• Familiarize yourself with the journal's scope and aims: Before starting the review, it is important to understand the goals and focus of the journal. This will help you assess whether the manuscript aligns with the journal's objectives.

• Review the manuscript carefully: Read the manuscript thoroughly, paying attention to the study design, methodology, results, and conclusions. Evaluate the clarity and coherence of the writing, as well as the scientific rigor and validity of the findings.

• Assess the significance and novelty: Consider the originality and contribution of the case report to the existing literature. Does it provide new insights, challenge current assumptions, or present a unique perspective on the management of skin cancer?

• Evaluate the ethical aspects: Ensure that the authors have followed ethical guidelines and obtained necessary permissions for patient data and images. Assess the appropriateness of the informed consent process and patient anonymity.

• Provide constructive feedback: Offer specific and constructive comments to help the authors improve their manuscript. Identify strengths and weaknesses, suggest additional experiments or analyses if needed, and provide recommendations for revision.

• Meet the deadline: Adhere to the journal's timeline for review and submission of your feedback. Timely reviews are essential for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the publication process.

Review Form

In addition to written comments to the authors and Editors, you will be asked to respond to several questions on the review form. You will also be asked to rate the manuscript on a 5 point scale (high to low) on Importance, Scientific Rigor, Novelty, Clarity and Appropriateness for Publication in Journal of Breast Cancer Case Reports. You will be asked to provide one of four recommended decisions for the manuscript:

1. Accept: The manuscript is acceptable for publication as is or it requires only minimal revisions/clarifications and does not need to be re-reviewed.
2. Minor Revision: The manuscript is likely to be accepted after authors address requests for revision that do not involve major re-working of the data analysis and presentation or of the organization and text of the manuscript.
3. Major Revision: The manuscript may possibly be accepted with major revisions. The manuscript is promising but needs major revisions and, in the judgment of the reviewer, may be unacceptable depending on the responses of the authors to the review. If the reviewer feels that ratings of novelty and importance will not improve even if the manuscript is adequately revised, the decision should be Reject, not Major Revision.
4. Reject: The manuscript is not of sufficient quality, novelty or importance to warrant publication.

Note: If you're interested in contributing your expertise, please share your CV/Resume and Photograph to: editor.jbccr@salfordpublishers.org